Wednesday 4 March 2015

Back to Basics

Good Morning!

Today I decided to go back to basics.

Iris folding was one of the first techniques I learned. It's something that really excited me when I was first taught to do it and started me on the road of the wonderful adventure that is paper crafting.

I sorted through some of my old stash to make this card.

Although I live in a small village we are really lucky to have two craft clubs.  Our Monday morning club meets in the village hall and is particularly well supported with both men and woman from here and nearby villages.  People do a variety of crafts including quilting, jewellery making and spinning as well as card making. Gill, who is deeply involved with several charities, often gets us knitting for various good causes.

The smaller club which is held in the chapel once a month on a Wednesday evening was started by Wendy Stenton who many of you may remember from Create and Craft.  She used to demonstrate most weeks but since she went off to Spain we've kept the club going ourselves.  We have both new and more experienced crafters so we decide what we'll be doing the following month and take turns to lead workshops .

Well that's it for this post.  I have my next project in mind so will be back later ....

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