Wednesday 30 September 2015

WOYWW - Week 330

Happy Wednesday to Everyone.

I'm so glad to be back again joining in at Julia's Stamping Ground for WOYWW.

Every Wednesday Julia invites us to join her for a blog hop around the world to see what is on everybody's work desk.

Well this was my desk after I'd finished on Tuesday evening and this is how it looks now.

I've been inspired by the great work Sue Jones has been doing and her enthusiasm for her new gelli plate so I decided to get mine out again.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon and I spent a couple of hours making gelli plate prints.  These are what I made.  They're all trimmed up and ready to be used on cards.

Some masks and my brayer on the right have been washed.  Now they just have to be put away.  There are some paints still out on the left.

Well now I'm of to make a coffee then start visiting your desks.

Enjoy your day!


Kathyk said...

Oooh - looks like a very creative desk this morning!


Julia Dunnit said...

Lovely to see you Barb, and how lovely that you've been so inspired! I love that they're all trimmed and ready for you - and am super impressed at the washed and waiting practice! No doubt you'll have bags of fun making cards with self made backgrounds; very satisfying.

Jill said...

Looks like you have been having fun. Everyone keeps talking about jelli plates, one of these days I might have to have a go with one

Kristiina said...

Your making me want to dig the gelli plate out, too! A lovely idea to just make random backgrounds for future use :)
Kristiina #11

sandra de said...

You have made a wonderful set of gelli prints. I have a gelli plate and hardly ever use it.... now you have inspired me. :)
Sandra de @11

Unknown said...

Inspiration is contagious--now I'm inspired to get out my gelli plate! I actually just organized my paints and gelli plate into a caddy not that long ago, so it would stay protected and be easy to get out. Thanks for stopping by mine. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #36

Annie said...

How lovely to be inspired by another blogger. I love what you're working on.
Thanks for calling by at mine.
Have a great week.
Annie # 10

Unknown said...

Your prints are just stunning. Glad you pulled out the plates. #35

Lynsey said...

Oh I've always fancied a go of the Gelli plate, your desk looks busy and brilliant! Lyns #9

Twiglet said...

I love the results from gelli printing even though I have no idea how it works!! x Jo

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Some great effects you've achieved there. I bought a Gelli plate for my daughter, but she wasn't really captivated by it. Perhaps I should give it a go myself. Thanks for stopping by today :-)

Fiona #43

scrappymo! said...

Quick note to say I have added your name for the extra! Still morning here on the 30th...

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier, I already have a few requests for the Teddies so yes - you know what I'll be up to during those winter evenings! lol
I envy you your Gelli plate - maybe Father Christmas will remember it this year - those are some lovely designs you have there. Look forward to seeing the cards they will appear on!!
Take care
Bishopsmate #48

Shoshi said...

What absolutely gorgeous gelli prints, Barb! Last year I got some stuff to make my own gelli plate but then didn't get round to it before getting ill. I signed up for a give-away this week but of course I didn't win it - shame!! It had a lot of good stuff in it too. Ah well, you can't expect to win 2 things in as many weeks and I did win my Florabunda Zentangle book last week! Maybe gelli printing is a project for next year.

Thank you for your lovely comment. Having overdone things a bit this a.m. I am now pretty exhausted but feeling a lot better than at the same stage on previous chemo cycles, so the reduced dose is really helping. My hubby has been amazing! I am so looking forward to being able to look after him again for a change!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #30

Sue said...

Hi Barb, Love the card. How nice to make your own. I've never thought of doing that.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #25

Sue Jones said...

I love playing with the gelliplate - It does take a lot of tidying up afterwards though. Your prints are FAB!

Unknown said...

Your backgrounds look fabulous - I really must use take my Gelli plate out of it's packaging!

Sofie V said...

These prints look beautiful!

I'm on number 40. You're welcome to visit my blog!

Greetings, Sofie

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh you have a gelli plate - looks like fun! Great papers you made! Thanks for showing your desk!

glitterandglue said...

You certainly had fun making all those, Barb. Make those into cards - and you will have next year's supply all done!!. Thanks for visiting already - yes, I'm hoping John is out of hospital and infection free very soon - but IV antibiotics will last two weeks - so not quite yet, I'm afraid. Northamptonshire - John grew up in Weldon.
The box I made did take quite a time - but as I just LOVE pergamano, it didn't seem an age.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #13

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How fab are those gelli prints?? And how lovely that you were inspired by another desker.....that's the fab thing about WOYWW eh?
Thanks for dropping by :-)
Hugs, LLJ 17 xxx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wow! I really like all your gelli plate prints--such a variety. The few times I've seen people use them they tend to use the same few colors, techniques, patterns over and over so all the prints look so similar. I'm pleased to see that you played and did so many different things and colors. Very nice! Thanks for the visit earlier. Judy #49

Mrs A. said...

Your papers look fab. I keep toying over a geli plate but refuse to pay the prices at the moment but then again...........
Hugs Mrs A.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Barb and thanks for the visit to mine. You asked about the Chameleon pens. I have never found alcohol pens that easy to use, I think you need lots of them in varying tones to get a good blend so when the Chameleons came out I found they worked for me but combine some of my Promarkers with them to get more colours. But you are right they are not as easy to use as the C&C would have you believe and they don't all work quite the same as some go light quickly while others are slow to fade. I think they work at their best when the nib is new. So there you go if that makes any sense. I'm loving your Gelli Prints and look forward to seeing what you do with them. Have a great week and happy crafty WOYWW, Angela x 27

Neet said...

It does get a bit addictive doing those prints doesn't it? Nice to have those delightful backgrounds though - now have you something in mind to use them up on?
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

Ooh I have not played with mine since the first time, these all look super Barb, and thanks for the earlier visit. ~Stacy #51

peggy aplSEEDS said...

I was at a craft shop recently and a gelli plate is what I asked for because of projects like yours. They didn't have any but my sister overheard me and told me I could just use hers cuz she wasn't using it. Yay! I guess I'll have to watch some videos before I start though.
Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for already dropping by!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

Unknown said...

I am in love with those gelli prints! They turnout so beautifully. I tried it with disastrous results. Wish I lived close by so you could give me a tutorial. Looking forward to seeing what you use these in.

Anonymous said...

I miss playing with my Gelli plate :) If you didn't check it out before, do look at the top menu for info on making your own tools. I love your prints. I do the same. Once you get it out and all the paints, it is impossible to pull just a print or two. I ALWAYS end up with 100s :)

glad to be back ... finally!
Mary Anne (33)

Diana Taylor said...

You've got some beautiful gelli prints there - I love the soft colours, and it's quite addictive isn't it! Hope you have a great week,
Diana #18

Barb said...

Thanks for the link Mary Anne. Some really great ideas! I've signed up to follow you. Barbxx

Mrs.D said...

Barb. you have been having fun with your Gelli plate, do show what you make with those pages. won't you. I need to get my plate out and do something with it.
Thanks for visiting me yesterday and your nice remarks
Chris #19

Carol L said...

You've been busy making beautiful backgrounds, and I can't wait to see how you create cards with them!

Erika said...

Hi Barb, I used to join in with WOYWW all the time but haven't for a long while, why, well my desk is erm, under a pile of papers and mighty fine crafty bits, my craft room isn't much better. I'd have to tidy it first!
I love all your gelli plate designs, it is also something I don't use enough either, and I don't know why as it is so much fun.
Happy crafting!

Hugs Erika. x