Friday 29 January 2016

Smiles on Friday - Week 155

Happy  Friday to you!

It's the day I link to Annie's blog A Stitch in Time where we share our smiles for the week.

There's great excitment here today - our broadband has always been really slow but yesterday our little village exchange updated us from 6.5 mbs and we're now getting 18.5 mbs.  So now we can watch HD YouTube videos without buffering.

It's hard to believe it's almost February.

I got the feather duster out yesterday for the first time since um.. Christmas!

I suddenly noticed I hadn't taken the strings off the beams.  The beams in this area  have nails on the ends where I tie string each year to hang up most of our Christmas cards.

All the handmade and other special cards stand on the fireplace and a little cupboard on the other side of the room.

I'm trying to decide whether to get out my little stool and cut them down or just leave them till December. I'm sure this year will pass quickly like the last few have and it will soon be Christmas again anyway!  Enjoy your weekend.


Virginia said...

It's crazy how quickly February has arrived isn't it!

Annie said...

Hi Barb....I feel your excitement with your internet speed. Where we have moved to on the outskirts of Shrewsbury has very slow internet [a fraction of what we had out in the country!] It's so frustrating and there looks to be no plan to speed things up anytime soon....even though where our daughter lives [literally 2 mins away at the other end of the estate] she has really fast internet! I'm smiling for you.
Annie x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Had a chuckle, Barb, at the stings hanging, mind you cant really see them, so I'd leave them till next Dec.
... we only get 12 mbps but dont have buffering must be different over there :D Happy Smiles day
Shaz in oz.x

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday this your 'place', wow amazing - rustic is it!! I'd leave the strings up and you might find some other nice things to peg on them. Have a fabulous weekend Cheers Robyn

Lynn Holland said...

HI Barb
I've been clearing and organising the whole of January and yesterday came across my jar of furniture polish. It's been lost for that long it was covered in dust.
Have a great weekend
LYnn x

Lisca said...

Lucky you! Having 18 mbps! We have 1.9mbps (as in one point nine). Very slow. We always have to buffer and can't watch videos all in one go. In the evening it gets worse.
Your cottage looks gorgeous with those beams. I like your door too.
Yes, the year is flying by. Next week it will be February already!
Thank you for visiting, have a great week,

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Hi Barb, I too would have a smile today if our broadband was even as high at 6.5 mbs - ours is usually below 2.5 mbs but my thoughts are its quicker than dial up. Not likely to get any faster for at least 2/3 years.

Enjoy keeping in touch with the blogging so that would be my smile today.

Crafty hugs Pen x

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Oh and should have said well done for making the top 5 with Passion for ProMarkers. Lovely cards.


Erika said...

Barb your house looks lovely, I'd leave the strings up till they annoy you too much, you never know if they don't they'll save you a job next Christmas.

Hugs Erika. x

Cara said...

Gosh, what beautiful beams! I agree, leave the strings up and then you can store your cards up there when you make them! I understand your broadband excitement, my parents currently get 2Mb broadband, it struggled a bit at Christmas when 4 of us were trying to look up the flooding on the net, they're due to be upgraded to super fast in a couple of months and Mum, computer wizard at 76 can't wait. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog, they are very much appreciated. Cara x

KT Fit Kitty said...

Sounds great! Enjoy your high speed - what a difference it will be - I would be super excited too! As for the strings, I think I would leave them up!

PJ said...

So very happy you are able to watch video now. This is GREAT news☺ I also love seeing a picture of your work space your beautiful home. I'm not familiar with beams, except in our basement, but these look beautiful. I imagine a lot of creativity in this room. I think leaving them up it is a fantastic idea.. I too am noticing how fast time flies.. again so happy to see your home place.

AlisonC said...

Your cottage looks cute. Can you use the strings for birthdays during the year? Dried flowers? We moved to the country last year and the family do complain about the internet but it sounds as though yours is worse. Wet day tomorrow so you can enjoy You Tube!

Greta said...

I'm with you--Christmas will be here before we know it, so why take them down?! Happy you got the faster speed!

Robyn Oliver said...

Thanks Barb for joining my blog followers, hope you find some inspiration. I am just noticing your details... from village in Northants...not sure if I have this right but we have friends in Rushden??

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said... time leave the strings up for this year!!.....hope you are well?....Joolsx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Barb, that is great news about your broadband. I'd suggest you leave the strings. My mother, a very superstitious woman, always maintained that if anything Christmassy was left up after 12th night it had to stay up until the following Christmas. Doing otherwise would bring bad luck to the house. She never specified what kind of bad luck but she was adamant :) Elizabeth xx