Sunday 18 October 2015

Snippets Jar

Good morning everyone and I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

We did a similar card to this at a card club a few months ago.

So using up scraps of white paper and the green gingham and green flowery paper I've had for ages I made this card.

The bee is an old Judikins stamp, fussy cut with glitter added to his wings and bits of raffia that have been in my stash for ever.

I'm off to join in with the girls at Di's Snippets Playground Week 199.

I'd also like to join in with The Alphabet Challenge blog where the theme is R for Ribbon

Wishing you all a 'Happy Day'


meg said...

Love it Barb the papers are great and I can just imagine it full of lovely bits and pieces

Di said...

Oh how clever Barb! Really pretty card, love the shape of course - and the little busy bee is so cute!


Di xx

Carol L said...

Way to use up that wonderful stash of crafting goodies! I love the jar, and especially the raffia!

Karen P said...

Gorgeous work Barb. It looks like a jar that is full of flowers and either flower soft or glitter. How often do you get together at the card club and where do you go? I am desperately trying to find something around our area or a little further afield as I miss going to classes and there's nothing that I know of here Karen xx

Lisa Andersson said...

Very cute and very clever Barb! The little bee fits so well and is also very cute. Happy day to you too.
Thank you for your very kind comment. Good that you took the trip to USA and NY with your mom. Very cool wanting to go to NY when you´re 80, I hope I feel the same way when I´m 80. Sorry about her stroke.
Hugs Lisa

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Barb, this is so pretty, I love the papers and the jar shaped card, Kate x

Diane said...

Super cute jar design Barb, love the paper and little bee.

Hugs diane

Sue Jones said...

Love your card and that very cute bee. Enjpy whats left of the weekend xx

Jo said...

Oh Barb, this is fab! Love that flowery paper, works so well with the gingham & the rafia.
hugs Jo x

Greta said...

Oh how cute!

LesleyG said...

Pretty little jar, love the paper , matched beautifully by the tag, and the bee is too cute! Xxx

Liz said...

Really unusual card, Barb. I love the design and the papers you've used. xx

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said...

Brilliant card Barb.....Love the pretty papers and the cute....Joolsx

Cazro said...

A super cute card, loving the raffia ribbon. Thanks for sharing with us at Alphabet Challenges. Caz DT.

Erika said...

I love this card and just a perfect for a jam maker, got me thinking now!
Great green and kraft colour combo and cute wee bee stamp.

Hugs Erika. x

Sarn said...

Well done for using up some paper Barb (not something I'm very good at!). Great shaped card . . . and good way to use snippets. xxx

AlisonC said...

Such a simple idea which makes a great card. Lovely paper.