Friday 16 October 2015

Friday Smiles Week 141

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today it's quite cold and very overcast here and I think we'll have rain before long.  However we have a friend coming for lunch today so I'm doing a roast and we'll enjoy a good chat and a glass of red no doubt.

Tonight I'm going to a card class which I'm looking forward to and there are lots of footie matches to watch on television over the weekend so I've lots to look forward to.

I got a brochure in the post this week (see pics) for a retirement home.  Some of the junk mail we all get but it was addressed to me.  Although I'm retired I'm certainly not ready to leave my little cottage yet.

I think I would feel very out of place in a place like this.  I'd feel I had to dress for dinner each night and that's not me at all.  I don't enjoy dressing up and feel much more comfortable with informality.  That's just me now I'm older I suppose.

I'm linking this post up with Annie's blog where we share Smiles on Friday

Whatever your plans for the weekend I hope you enjoy yourself.


CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope you enjoy your lunch. I shall be listening to the commentary of Bristol Rovers tomorrow as that's my team. They are playing away otherwise I'd be going as I have a season ticket! I too enjoy watching other games and I often listen to the commentaries on the radio. Bit old school! Take care Zo xx

Annie said...

I'm not a footy lover at all but footy on the telly always makes me smile....cos I have chance to do other things :-) Have a fun day and hope the rest of the week is good too.
Annie x

Erika said...

Have a super lunch Barbs, I like the look of that place, do they do holiday getaways for the slightly younger generation? It looks very relaxing.

Enjoy your day and your card class.

Hugs Erika. x

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday Barb...oh that retirement home sure does look a bit post, like you I enjoy being casual. A Friday roast sounds like a great idea....ENJOY and have a great weekend. Cheers Robyn

Carol L said...

I'm also a casual person, more comfy in anything but dressy clothes! Enjoy your weekend and laugh at the rainy weather :) You'll have good food, vino, and good friends to bring smiles :)

JoZart Designs said...

Sounds like you have some perfect treats planned. good food and friends... what more can you want?
I'm keeping far away from retirement homes as long as I can.Have a good weekend,
Jo x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Barb, thanks for the visit. Sounds like you're in for a nice day. I sometimes wonder where these companies get there info from. The place looks to tidy to me not sure they would like paint and paper everywhere Lol! Although maybe that would shake them up a bit! Have a great day, Angela X

Di said...

Good grief Barb! That home looks like the one in the film 'Quartet'!! Really good film BTW with a host of well known names such as Maggie Smith, Pauline Collins, Billy Connelly and directed by Dustin Hoffman. I did giggle at the serene lady swimming with her earrings in and her perfectly coiffured hair held well above the waterline :))


Di xx

Hettie said...

Hope you had a good dinner.
I am not sure they would approve of glitter floating in that pool either!! Haa Haa!

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said...

Hi Barb....I would feel out of place here!...I'm also staying put in my house a bit longer!!!...Joolsx

Lisca said...

Isn't retirement fab! Lunch with friends and a bottle of red, a card game and some sport on tv. Life couldn't get any better. Enjoy!

Karen P said...

That is my idea of hell hun! I am a bit of a scruff at home and the idea of getting dressed for dinner - no thank you lol! Can you please email me so that I can get post your candy next week as we have to go to GPs I will pop to PO after. You will need to remove the spaces when you type it but here it is starbase31 . kp @ gmail . com. thank you hun xx