Friday 22 April 2016

An Oldie on Friday

Good Afternoon,

for my second post today I'm linking up with Erika on her Snappy Crafts blog where she invites us to share an old craft project.

I have tried lots of different pass times but only had a little dabble at water colouring  back in 1993.

This is one of the few watercolours I have ever done.

I copied the picture from one of my old china painting books and was really pleased with the way it turned out.

Well I'm back from crafting with my friend Wendy and now looking forward to going out for our meal this evening with cousin Gary.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Valerija said...

I just love your coloring. It's perfekt.

meg said...

Barb this is so beautiful you are so talented

Erika said...

Wow Barb that's beautiful water colouring. The roses are perfect. Thanks for joining me sharing an oldie this week and enjoy your meal later.

Hugs Erika. X

Cara said...

Stunning watercolouring. You really do have a talent for painting. Hope you have an enjoyable evening. Cara x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow!!! You are a so talented painter!! Fabulous watercolouring!!

KandA said...

This is really beautiful Barb. Wonderful colours and such a lovely image xx

Aquarius said...

Wow I love that painting of roses - beautiful. I'm sure you had a great 'play day'.

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Barb, this is just lovely, gorgeous colours and of course roses are always so beautiful.
Have a lovely evening, Kate x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Wow Barb, if this is what you call dabbling then you are a natural! This is a beautiful water-colouring.

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

WOW! This is fantastic Barb! You certainly are, one great all-rounder in the art department! Is there any form of art you're not good at . . . NO, I don't think so!! Have a very lovely weekend! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Nikki said...

That is a fantastic watercolor painting do delicate looking too hugs Nikki

Carol L said...

It may be an oldie, but it sure is a beauty! NJ!

Greta said...

This is a beauty, Barb! Enjoy your evening!

Julieanne..aka pinkjools said...

Hi Barb...Stunning painting....beautiful pretty....Joolsx

Lisa Andersson said...

This is so beautifully coloured, Barb! You are very talented.
Enjoy your day!
Hugs, Lisa

Janice said...

A beautiful picture Barb, you are so clever!
Janice x

Krisha said...

Barb this is fantastic, you should pick up the paint brush again and paint your greeting cards.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Barb, you should do these more often, it's lovely. Hope you've had a good weekend, Angela x

Unknown said...

Oh wow that's absolutely gorgeous!! You are very talented Barb!!
Lucy x

Diane said...

Oh Barb what an elegant design and your water coloring is fabulous.

Hugs Diane

hazel said...

This is a wonderful watercolour, the flowers are beautifully painted.
xxx Hazel.

Pat said...

This is a wonderful watercolour Barb and you are very skilful with the paints as they are not easy to handle and the colours are beautiful. You should do more of this. x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Wow, that's not what I call dabbling, it's stunning with it's delicate, true to life colours. What a talented lady you are! :) X

Donna said...

Oh wow, Bsrb. This IS stunning. Really beautiful, detailed work. No wonder you like it. It's gorgeous. X